Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

mobile test

just testing my androblogger app...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I like challenges...

Maybe I need to join a 30 day blog challenge to get back into the flooooowwwwww. This sounds like a good one:

Friday, July 2, 2010

Itsy Bitsy Haul... not even a haul... lol

I was not planning on buying anything today but we got a couple of new pieces of plus size today and I fell in love with this Pure Energy Blue Strapless Knit Dress which can also be purchased at Target here. I usually have a difficult time finding dresses that fit me properly since I am larger on top so if I go up a size they look too poofy on the bottom. Luckily I liked the fit of this one. I am thinking some natural colored foot coverings would do it justice. Still debating on if I should go with some sort of shrug or not. The one thing I am not a fan of is the buttons on the dress and I may end up removing them - but I think I just have a button phobia from too many years of not being able to find blouses that button up HA! I must remember though that these are simply for decoration.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Size 11 Shoes

Of course like most women with larger sized feet it is difficult to shop locally for shoes. I usually purchase shoes from Target, Payless Shoes, the clothing store I work at or occasionally on eBay. What makes it even more difficult is sometimes I am a size 10, 10.5, 10W, 11N, 11.5 or even a 12 depending on the brand and style of the shoe.

I have decided on my quest for cuteness I will have to start looking into doing more online shopping. I am thinking about Zappos and perhaps Torrid. If anyone else has some suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.

I love ballet flats, espadrilles, cork wedge heels and cute kitten heels as well. Living in Hawaii I also wear alot of flats because sometimes it is just too hot to wear closed-toed shoes.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Still working on some things for the website itself, but the blog will most likely be the main focus of . This has been a long time coming and I just feel I need to "just do it" and start posting so that all the thinking I have had going on the past couple of years can get released. This blog will not have a main focus (as of yet) - I will talk about makeup, fashion, hair, life in Hawaii, etc. If you want to read more of my spiritual/inspirational/personal development writing then go ahead and check out which is also still in it's beginning stages ;).

Writing online is not what it used to be and it is amazing how many blogs exist on the web. I remember back in the late 90's when I had different blog sites and websites. I just did it for fun and to create things. Who knows where this next journey will take me!

Thank you to everyone who over the years have inspired me, *poked* me, encouraged me, etc. I love you all!